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Europe Haul

As you may know, I've recently came back from Europe. I've had the most amazing trip, 2.5 weeks in 3 different countries and 4 different cities. Obviously, a lot of shopping was involved. We've been to a lot of vintage markets and saw many many cute stores along the way, so here's what I've got:

Stationery is my biggest obsession. I've bought most of these items in a huge stationery store in Berlin (except for the Muji pens), and I can't wait to get back into bullet journaling and calligraphy with them.

Pigma MICRON fineliners 0.2 and 0.05

Tombow Fudenosuke brush pens - soft and hard tips.

Ecoline brush pens in a few different colors.

And my fav little Muji pens.

I defiantly have too many notebooks, but I can't stop myself from buying more. The red one is from Rijksmuseum and the other is from Tiger.

Continuing with art, I've bought these prints in Mauerpark Market in Berlin. I think they will match my workspace perfectly.

Next: random staff. Like these Ravenclaw socks from Primark. (I had too)

Benefit mini Roller Lush mascara, because I wanted to try it out.

I finally found a VOSS glass water bottle. I wanted one for so long, so aesthetic <3

This little bracelet and ring goes together so well but I've actually bought them separately. The bracelet is from Camden Market in London, and the ring is from a vintage store in Brighton.

These sunglasses are from Brick Lane market in London.

Can't go back without some snacks. Mini marshmallows for my hot chocolate, and salted caramel flavored coconut chips that are just the best.

Tony's Chocolonely is a dutch chocolate brands, they have amazing flavors and the coolest store with tons of free chocolate (!!!). I bought more but it was eaten quickly.

For all of the clothes I bought, watch my youtube video:

Hoped you enjoyed, stay tuned for Amsterdam, London, and Berlin blog posts!

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